Student Organization Handbook

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Forms & Documents

Recommended Student Travel Forms

The Business Office provides fiscal services to student organizations through its Agency Fund process. Deposits, expenditures and travel arrangements for all student organizations should be coordinated through the Business Office.

All Business Office forms can be found on the Business Office Forms Web Site


Student organizations at South Texas College contribute to a vibrant college community by providing invaluable experiences and opportunities for students to grow as individuals, leaders, and community members.

In the course of planning and implementing organizational activities, recognized student organizations need information on the use of college facilities, budgeting, planning techniques, and a myriad of special arrangement concerns.

Student Activities and Wellness works to be proactive in its approach to guiding student organizations by providing education, training, and consultation. Recognized student organizations and Student Activities and Wellness exist as partners in the college community.

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Starting a New Student Organization

Student Organization Advisors wishing to start a new club must complete and submit the following:

Completing the New Student Organization Form

  • The New Student Organization form must be signed by the student organization advisor. The advisor must be a full-time faculty or staff member of South Texas College. If the student organization is specific to an academic major (for example: accounting, history or emergency medical technology) the organization is required to have a faculty member (approved by the Program Chair) from that academic program as their primary advisor.
  • The form must be also be signed by a minimum of 5 students who are currently enrolled at South Texas College. To remain active the organization must maintain a minimum of 5 active members.

Developing a Constitution

  • The Department of Student Activities and Wellness must approve the constitution and any future amendments to the constitution by the student organization.
  • The constitution should include the fundamental philosophy of the organization and specific guidelines for operation of the organization.
  • The constitution should include a statement of purpose. The statement of purpose is a brief description of the reason why you are forming the organization.
  • Examples of constitutions are available from the Department of Student Activities and Wellness. Sample Constitution
  • Each organization’s constitution will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
    • A registered student organization may state that its membership is composed of students and/or staff of South Texas College, but it shall not suggest or imply that it is acting with the authority or as an agent of South Texas College.
    • Student organizations may not use the name of the college or an abbreviation of the name of the college as part of its name. The organization may use such names as campus, college, Texas chapter, or McAllen as a part of its name. You may NOT use “South Texas College” at the beginning of your organization’s name or “of South Texas College” at the end of your organization’s name. You may use “at South Texas College” or “South Texas College Chapter” at the end of your organization’s name.
    • All student organization members must be currently registered at South Texas College.
    • Honor Societies will follow the same procedures for creating a new student organization. Honor Societies will also require approval from the appropriate Division Dean.
  • Return completed form to the Department of Student Activities and Wellness.

Approval of the Student Organization

  • The primary advisor will be notified by e-mail as to whether permission is granted or denied to become a recognized student organization.
  • Should permission not be granted, appeals may be submitted in writing to the Dean for Student Affairs.

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Recognition Levels

There are two types of student organizations at South Texas College.

  • Affiliated Organizations
    Affiliated organizations may receive a budget from the College. Examples of affiliated organizations are Honor Societies, Club Sports Teams and the Student Government Association.
  • Recognized Organizations
    Recognized organizations comprise the bulk of student organizations. Recognized student organizations may utilize college services and facilities and may receive financial support from the college.

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Student Organization Status & Discipline

Recognized Status

Once an organization is granted recognized status they will have the privilege of travel, using campus facilities and equipment, raising funds, sponsoring speakers and public performances, distributing literature and calling upon the assistance of staff in the Department of Student Activities and Wellness for program planning.

Probation Status

The Department of Student Activities and Wellness, upon assessing reports of a student organization’s violation of college policies, procedures, the Student Code of Conduct or this handbook, may take appropriate disciplinary action by changing a student organization’s status to probation status. Probation status is imposed for a definite period of time. Violation of the terms of probation or any other violation during the period of probation may result in suspension.

Terms of probation for student organizations may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The student organization may be prohibited from engaging in certain organizational and/or College programs or functions.
  • The student organization may be required to make monetary restitution, particularly in the case of theft, property damage, or injury to others.
  • The student organization may be required to send members to mandatory workshops, training sessions, or complete community service hours as a condition of probation.

Suspension Status

Failing to correct behavior during probation status may result in the student organization’s status being changed to suspension status. Terms of suspension for student organizations include the following:

  • Permanent dissolution of the student organization.
  • Removal of a student organization’s privileges, including travel, use of campus facilities and equipment, raising funds, sponsoring speakers and public performances, distributing literature and accessing funds for a specified period of time.

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Maintaining Recognized Status

Each student organization must adhere to the following guidelines to maintain recognized status:

  • Update changes in officer/advisor positions as they occur.
  • Submit an Updated List of Officers and Active Members form each fall semester, no later than the last Friday in September. The form is available from the Department of Student Activities and Wellness or online at:
  • Minutes from meetings must be maintained for at least one year. The Department of Student Activities and Wellness will utilize minutes from meetings and the organization constitution to resolve disputes within the organization.
  • Comply with college policies, procedures, the Student Code of Conduct and the procedures outlined in this handbook.
  • Organization members must attend all mandatory training seminars, workshops, and orientations as mandated by the Department of Student Activities and Wellness.

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Role of the Advisor

The following information is designed to assist student leaders in selecting an advisor and in developing a clearer understanding of the role of the advisor.

Both the advisor and the student organization officers should spend time early in their relationship establishing a clear understanding of their roles.

While the role of an advisor can vary somewhat from one organization to another, some responsibilities remain consistent:

  • Attend all organization meetings, events and activities.
  • Explain College policy when relevant to the discussion.
  • Guide the organization officers in the performance of their duties.
  • Serve as the financial manager for the organization’s funds and ensure the organization keeps finance records up-to-date and all accounting and fiscal matters adhere to the policies and procedures of South Texas College and the purpose of the student organization as stated in the constitution.
  • Review minutes from meetings and all organization correspondence.
  • Ensure members abide by their organization constitution, bylaws, the provisions of this handbook and College policies and procedures.
  • Mediate interpersonal conflicts that may arise.
  • Facilitate opportunities for students to exercise initiative and judgment with a proper measure of autonomy when coordinating events and activities.
  • Assist in the continuity of the organization by taking an active role in the orderly transition of responsibilities between old and new officers each year.
  • Be available to organization members outside meetings for advice and consultation related to the operations of the organization.
  • Be familiar with College and community resources as they relate to the student organization.
  • Complete the online Annual Student Organizations Risk Management Training Request Link

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  • Business Office will create an account for each new organization.
  • Students and advisors are not allowed to open accounts at banks or use Apps (Cashapp, Venmo, Zelle, etc.)
  • A student organization may request an STC Marketplace account to receive funds electronically.
  • Student Organizations may receive funds through cash, checks, and STC Marketplace.
  • The primary advisor serves as Financial Manager for the student organization.
  • The Business Office has a designated accountant as the contact person for all student organization transactions.
  • Student organizations that are inactive for a period of three years will have their accounts closed and all funds transferred for general student use.

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Cash Handling

  • Student Organizations can keep petty cash for up to $200 under the following terms:
    • Cash is kept in a lock box provided by Student Activities and Wellness
    • To request a cash box, submit form – Cash Box Checkout Request Form
    • Lock box is kept in a secure location in the advisor’s office.
    • Advisor keeps track of cash transactions at all times. (Excel, Cash ledger, etc.)
    • Advisor shares such records with club officers.
    • Cash in excess of $200 should be deposited in the club account within 2 days.


  • As financial managers, advisors are required to reconcile their account on a monthly basis, to include deposits, withdrawals, etc. Such transactions and balance available should match Business office records.
  • All cash/financial records (receipts, disbursements forms, travel forms, etc.) should be retained for recordkeeping/audits.

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Depositing Money

  • All money (checks and cash) received by a student organization from donations, fund raising, or any other source must be deposited into the organization’s account within 2 business days. Checks should be made payable to “South Texas College.”
  • When depositing money the cashiers will provide you with a Departmental Deposit Worksheet (available from Cashier’s office). To complete the worksheet you will need the following information:
    • Fund Code
      Specific for each organization, provided by Raquel Chapa at the Business Office.
    • Organization Code
      Same for all student organizations – 350999
    • Account Code
      Same for all student organizations – 270002
    • Program Code
      Same for all student organizations – 9850

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Receiving Donations

Student Organizations may seek donations from the community, according to the following guidelines:

  • The organization may say that it is a recognized student organization at South Texas College, but it must not imply or claim that it represents the College. It must also not imply that South Texas College will endorse or promote any person, business, non-profit organization, or corporation.
  • Student Organizations need to clarify to donors, that they are not tax exempt.
  • All Student Organizations must email a Receipt of Donation  to donor and copy Student Activities and Wellness.

Student Organizations may receive donations at any time.

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Withdrawing Funds

  • Organizations must complete the Student Organization Accounts Payable Disbursement Request form to withdraw cash from their account or pay a vendor directly for materials or services. The form requires signatures from the Financial Manager (Advisor) and one organization officer.
  • The Business Office needs the most current list of officers to verify the disbursement signatures against the list showing the names of the officers authorized to sign off on disbursements.
  • The organization must note the name of the individual who will pick-up the check on the Student Organization Accounts Payable Disbursement Request form.
  • Completed forms must be submitted to Raquel Chapa in the Business office for approval and processing. Submit 3 weeks in advance.

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Events and Activities

Recognized student organizations may conduct activities both on and off campus. Consultation with Student Activities and Wellness staff in the early planning stages can save time and effort and will ensure compliance with appropriate College regulations.

Student organizations will be permitted to conduct activities in accordance with the following criteria:

  • An Activity Request Form is completed and must be submitted by advisor for approval to Student Activities and Wellness a minimum of 10 business days before the event or activity is scheduled to occur. Proposed flyers and other related documents should be attached.
  • Student organizations can reserve facilities and media equipment on campus for their events and meetings on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
  • Events on Fridays, weekends or after 5pm will require additional approval from Facilities, Educational Technologies, or STC Police department.
  • Student organizations cannot co-sponsor activities on campus with non-College enterprises or organizations (including the use of corporate logos), unless approval is granted in advance by Student Activities and Wellness.
  • The area where the event/activity is held must be cleaned after use. All trash must be picked up and, if necessary, table tops and chairs must be wiped down and dried.

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Risk Management (Hazing, Alcohol, Sexual Harrassment, Travel, ADA)

Annual Student Organizations Risk Management Training
(Complete online) Request Link

  • It is mandatory for student organization advisors to complete and renew every Fall semester.
  • Officers/Members must complete Risk Management Training when traveling for any College related events/activities.
  • A risk management plan must accompany all high-risk activity requests.

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Selling or Giving Away Food

All requests regarding food sales or distribution are subject to review and approval from Student Activities and Wellness.

  1. Cooking/barbequing fundraising is approved as long as the student organization has the following permits:
    • Food handler’s (Permit holder must be at event)
    • City Event
  2. Food prepared by an established business (Pizza Hut, Chick-fil-A, Jason’s Deli, etc.) will require a food handler’s permit. (Permit holder must be at event)
  3. Pre-packaged food does not require any permits. “Pre-packaged” is defined as “food that is packaged before retail distribution or sale.” This means the food must be packaged before it arrives at the retail store, restaurant or distributor. Candy bars are an example of a pre-packaged food. A submarine sandwich that is prepared at a sandwich shop and wrapped in cellophane is not pre-packaged.
  4. Student organizations who wish to sell food items must complete the Activity Request Form and attach relevant permits.
  5. Food sales may only occur once a month or 24 hour period.
  6. Student Organizations may have food during their club meetings. Food for meetings does not require any activity request forms or permits.

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  • An Activity Request Form should be completed and must be submitted by advisor for approval to Student Activities and Wellness a minimum of 10 business days before the event or activity is scheduled to occur. Proposed flyers and other related documents should be attached.
  • Money/funds transactions can only occur one day per month (within 24 hours).
  • Profit sharing with established licensed vendors/restaurants/businesses is permitted. Some requests might require additional approval.
  • Fund raising activities may not be conducted for private gain of individuals. When soliciting funds, the student organization may state that its membership is composed of students of South Texas College, but it shall not suggest or imply that it is acting with the authority of or as an agent of South Texas College.
  • All fund raising activities, and especially planned sales of t-shirts, mugs, caps, or any items must be reviewed by Student Activities and Wellness to ensure compliance with College regulations. Products that violate trademark (including South Texas College name/logo) or licensing regulations will not be approved.
  • Gambling is not permitted. In Texas, three basic elements comprise the offense of gambling: consideration, chance, and prize. Raffles are considered gambling. See “Elements of Gambling” for more information.

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Sales Tax Exemption

A sale of a taxable item by a qualified student organization is exempt from sales tax if:

    • The student organization sells the items at a sale that lasts for one day only (within 24 hours).
    • The student organization holds not more than one fund-raising sale each calendar month for which the exemption is claimed.
    • The student organization has as its primary purpose a purpose other than being engaged in business or performance of an activity that is designed to make a profit.
    • The sales price of the taxable item is $5,000 or less, except that a taxable item that the organization manufactures or has received by donation may be sold tax free during the one-day sale, regardless of sales price, if the item is not sold to the donor.
  • Student organizations must pay tax when buying taxable items for their own use.

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  • Before posting flyers on campus, student organizations advisor must submit Activity Request Form to Student Activities and Wellness. Upon approval, student organization members may then make copies of the flyer.
  • Student organizations are not allowed to contact media (television, radio, newspaper) or publicize events or activities on/off campus without prior approval from Student Activities and Wellness. Some may require approval from Public Relations and Marketing.
  • Any publication (flyers), form of electronic media, web page or other form of communication produced by student organizations must include the following statement:

    Students, under the direction of  club advisors, are responsible for producing and publishing this document. Students bear the primary responsibility for this production and its contents do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of the South Texas College faculty, staff, administration and Board of Trustees.

  • Student organizations are not allowed to use trademarks or logos owned by commercial entities in conjunction with any activity promoted or conducted on or off campus, unless approval is granted in advance by Student Activities and Wellness.
  • The official college logo is not for use by student organizations. Usage of any Artwork by Student organizations must have prior approval by Student Activities and Wellness. Student organizations may use the Jaguar artwork available here.
  • Trademarks of South Texas College shall not be used without prior written approval from Student Activities and Wellness. All products must be produced by licensed vendors that are authorized, pursuant to license agreement, to use South Texas College trademarks.
  • The following guidelines apply for posting signs on College property:
    • Signs may be posted on bulletin boards.
    • Use thumbtacks, not staples on bulletin boards and tape that will not damage paint on other locations.
    • Do not post over or remove another organization’s flyer.
    • Signs may not be posted on walls, windows/glass, classrooms or in bathrooms.
    • Student organizations should post flyers no earlier than 2 weeks prior to the event and remove signs no later than 24 hours after the event.
    • A student organization may not post, distribute or carry a sign which promotes an off-campus business, organization, agency, national association, or charitable group, unless approval is granted in advance by Student Activities and Wellness.
    • All improperly posted signs are subject to removal.
  • A student organization may distribute literature on campus according to these guidelines:
    • The literature identifies the name of the student organization.
    • The literature is not a promotion for an off-campus event, business, organization, agency, national association, or charitable group. All literature of this nature must be approved by Student Activities and Wellness.
    • The student organization may not approach students directly or distribute literature by hawking or shouting. The organization may set up a table and speak to students who approach the table for information.
    • The distribution of literature at an event sponsored by another organization or College department must be approved in advance by the event sponsor.
    • Distribution may not unreasonably obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
    • The literature may only be distributed by members of the student organization.
    • Student organizations may design and purchase business cards or utilize stationary with prior approval from Student Activities and Wellness.

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Prior to departure, the appropriate travel documentation must be completed and approved by Student Activities and Wellness. Travel documentation must be submitted a minimum of 15 business days in advance (30 days for air travel). Only active student organizations are eligible for travel.

  • All students traveling must have completed the following:
    Student Travel Release Waiver
    Annual Student Organizations Risk Management Training Request Link
    (Login required at the end of training to submit acknowledgement of completion)
  • Only current students with no judicial holds are eligible to travel.

It is the responsibility of the advisor(s) to be familiar with CJ — Transportation Management Legal Framework and Local Policy, before traveling and submit the following documentation:

  • Advisors traveling must complete the student portion of the  Student Organization Travel Authorization . Advisors must seperately complete their own personal travel paperwork.
  • Out of state travel requires VP for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management approval.
  • An advisor must be present at the event. Exceptions can me made on a case by case basis with the approval of the Director of Student Activities & Wellness.
  • After the Trip promptly submit Travel Voucher for Student Organizations to Student Activities and Wellness.

For assistance in completing documentation or travel rules, contact Student Activities and Wellness, Pecan at 956-872-3530.

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Travel Rules

  • Vehicle rentals processed by the college will carry liability insurance. Vehicle rentals processed directly by the clubs are required to purchase liability insurance to cover students.
  • The vehicle should never carry more than the recommended number of occupants and each occupant must wear a seat belt including 7, 12, 15 passenger vans. There must be at least one passenger in the front seat and this passenger must remain awake during the trip.
  • For long trips, there should be more than one driver, with adequate stops/rest along the way.
  • Drivers must have at least eight hours of sleep before each day of driving. Driver must pull over in a safe location if they become drowsy and let someone else drive (if they meet the requirements to drive).
  • There should be no driving between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.
  • Total daily driving time should not exceed 8 hours without a sleep break at a hotel.
  • Do not exceed the posted speed limit and slow down in adverse weather conditions.
  • Do not overload the vehicle with equipment. Equipment must be properly secured.
  • Plan routes in advance and caravan whenever possible.
  • Do not consume, possess, or transport alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs.
  • Advisor should have student cell phone numbers, emergency contact numbers and medical information of all students traveling.
  • There should be at least one cell phone in each vehicle for emergencies.
  • Organizations should hold a meeting before traveling to familiarize all participants with the itinerary, costs, expectations, emergency procedures, safety/risk, dress code (if any), travel rules and any other details associated with the trip. Student Activities and Wellness may assist you with this presentation upon request.
  • South Texas College employees are strongly discouraged from transporting students in their personal vehicles.  Employees are not required, and shall not be compelled to transport any College employees or students in their personal vehicles.
  • Students driving privately-owned vehicles for organized student travel must have a current:  valid driver’s license, personal automobile insurance,  state inspection and registration. Such students assume responsibility for the liability for themselves and the passengers traveling in their vehicle. No coverage for personal injuries or property damage is available to students if they drive their personal vehicles on College related events/activities.

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If you are involved in an accident or medical emergency:

  • Notify local police or call 911.
  • Notify the College by contacting one of the following: Student Activities and Wellness: 956-872-3530
    • Security Dispatch: 956-872-4444
    • Director of Student Activities and Wellness: 956-537-0555
  • Fill out police report.
  • Obtain names and addresses of all witnesses.
  • Do not make any statements related to the accident other than to the appropriate authority.
  • If you are driving a rental vehicle, follow the procedures outlined in the rental packet.
  • If a breakdown occurs, call Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Non-emergency Roadside Assistance: 800-525-5555.

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